7” + 10” vinyl single – Date: 27 – 05 – 2020
LABEL: TheCampus: 07794 629 188
Tot Taylor’s third vinyl single of his ‘new trilogy’ is the record industry’s first known ‘ANTI-TRUMP’ anthem.
The song imagines the scenario following DONALD TRUMP’S
much-documented pre-election threat to ‘take down the Internet’.
Recorded over one whole week, with full ‘macrobiotic’ symphony orchestra at RAK Studios, London, this deluxe protest song is in the style of a tender 1970’s love ballad makes for ‘eerie’ rather than ‘easy’-listening.
A seven-minute epic for our era.
The ‘B’ side has a ‘sing-a-long’ karaoke track so everyone can make their own version of it
See below for the full story of the song:
CONTACT: David Camp @ TheCampus 07794 629 188
Explains Tot:
I used to go to the old East-West Center in Old St (before it became Clearspring). I was with a macrobiotic teacher there – Jon Sandifer – and I really got into it and followed the doctrine, eating very sparsely, though very specifically, miso, wakame, kombu, rice, a lot of seaweed and umeboshi, kukicha etc, and talking to goats every morning as Jon had suggested (two grey and white ones were tethered to a pole near the ex-cricket pitch in Crouch End).
There were several music people at the Center; Eno I remember, having problems coming off coffee, and U2 Bono as well. There were classical people mainly, for various kinds of therapy including eating disorders. I’d go and see them rehearse at the Byatt Unit, a big old hall down the road and we formed a sort of ad hoc orchestra. It was pretty good and they played on an Italian soundtrack I did at the time – ‘Shatterer’ d.Tonino Valeri (1987) – Toshiro Mifune’s final film. That job was stressful – working in Italy, (at Cinecitta) everyone speaking in Japanese – which I was also learning at the time.
A few months ago I called as many of the members as I could find and we formed the orchestra up again. They were all very anti-Trump of course and several still macrobiotic, and ‘believers’, like myself.
When the orchestra heard the song they smiled in all the right places and asked me why it was in all these different keys? (it’s not really). After a couple of rehearsals we got together in the big studio at RAK and put the thing down. I had a vision of it as a kind of love letter/love ballad/hate mail.
I hope that Barry Manilow might somehow hear the song, be in sympathy with it – he is a very long-term Democratic fundraiser – and might decide to record it himself.
I was a big fan of his ‘big voice/big orchestra’ ballads when I was a kid and I’m kind of in a phase now of replaying a lot of the singles I used to play then. Several of which are his.
I also thought that this in itself was such a brilliant idea that if he ever did in fact record the song, it in may in fact be able to also ‘bring Barryback’ at the same time. In a legitimate way, I mean. Bring him back into focus, as one of the top balladeers of our times. If you know Barry, or have any connection with him please send the song to him.
Tot Taylor – London 2020
Baby, I Miss the Internet